Quick-start guide to the webppl-agents library
Creating k-armed bandits
This is a quick-start guide to using the webppl-agents
library. For a comprehensive explanation of the ideas behind the library (e.g. MDPs, POMDPs, hyperbolic discounting) and diverse examples of its use, go to the online textbook agentmodels.org.
The webppl-agents library is built around two basic entities: agents and environments. These entities are combined by simulating an agent interacting with a particular environment. The library includes two standard RL environments as examples (Gridworld and Multi-armed Bandits). Four kinds of agent are included. Many combinations of environment and agent are possible. In addition, it’s easy to add your own environments and agents – as we illustrate below.
Not all environments and agents can be combined. Among environments, we distinguish MDPs (Markov Decision Processes) and POMDPs (Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes). For a POMDP environment, the agent must be a “POMDP agent”, which means they maintain a belief distribution on the state1.
Creating your own MDP environment
We begin by creating a very simple MDP environment and running two agents from the library on that environment.
MDPs are defined here. For use in the library, MDP environments are Javascript objects with the following methods:
{transition: ..., stateToActions: ...}
The transition
method is a function from state-action pairs to states (as in the function in the MDP definition). The stateToAction
method is a mapping from states to the actions that are allowed in that state. (This is often a constant function).
To run an agent on an MDP, the agent object must have a utility
method defined on the MDP’s state-action space. This method is the agent’s “reward” or “utility” function (we use the terms interchangeably).
Creating the Line MDP environment
Our first MDP environment is a discrete line (or one-dimensional gridworld) where the agent can move left or right (starting from the origin). More precisely, the Line MDP is as follows:
States: Points on the integer line (e.g …, -1, 0, 1, 2, …).
Actions/transitions: Actions “left”, “right” and “stay” move the agent deterministically along the line in either direction. We represent the actions as in the code below.
In our examples, the agent’s startState
is the origin. The utility is 1 at the origin, 3 at the third state right of the origin (“state 3”), and 0 otherwise.
The transition function must also decrement the time. States are objects with a terminateAfterAction
property. In the example below, terminateAfterAction
is set to true
when the state’s timeLeft
attribute gets down to 1; this causes the MDP to terminate. Here is an example state for the Line MDP (it’s also the startState
{terminateAfterAction: false, timeLeft:5, loc:0}
// helper function that decrements time and triggers termination when
// time elapsed
var advanceStateTime = function(state) {
var newTimeLeft = state.timeLeft - 1;
return extend(state, {
timeLeft: newTimeLeft,
terminateAfterAction: newTimeLeft > 1 ? state.terminateAfterAction : true
// constructuor for the "line" MDP environment:
// argument *totalTime* is the time horizon
var makeLineMDP = function(totalTime) {
var stateToActions = function(state) {
return [-1, 0, 1];
var transition = function(state, action) {
var newLoc = state.loc + action;
var stateNewLoc = extend(state, {loc: newLoc});
return advanceStateTime(stateNewLoc);
var world = { stateToActions, transition };
var startState = {
timeLeft: totalTime,
terminateAfterAction: false,
loc: 0
var utility = function(state, action){
var table = { 0: 1, 3: 3 };
return table[state.loc] ? table[state.loc] : 0;
return { world, startState, utility };
// save the MDP constructor for use in other codeboxes
wpEditor.put('makeLineMDP', makeLineMDP);
To run an agent on this MDP, we use a makeAgent
constructor and the library function simulateMDP
. The constructor for MDP agents is makeMDPAgent
makeMDPAgent(params, world)
Agent constructors always have these same two arguments. The world
argument is required for the agent’s internal simulations of possible transitions. The params
argument specifies the agent’s parameters and whether the agent is optimal or biased.
For an optimal agent, the parameters are:
{utility: <utility_function>, alpha: <softmax_alpha>}
An environment (or “world”) and agent are combined with the simulateMDP
simulateMDP(startState, world, agent, outputType)
Given the utility function defined above, the highest utility state is at location 3 (three steps to the right from the origin). So an optimal agent (who doesn’t hyperbolically discount) will move to this location and stay there.
///fold: helper function that decrements time and triggers termination when time elapsed
var advanceStateTime = function(state) {
var newTimeLeft = state.timeLeft - 1;
return extend(state, {
timeLeft: newTimeLeft,
terminateAfterAction: newTimeLeft > 1 ? state.terminateAfterAction : true
// constructuor for the "line" MDP environment:
// argument *totalTime* is the time horizon
var makeLineMDP = function(totalTime) {
var stateToActions = function(state) {
return [-1, 0, 1];
var transition = function(state, action) {
var newLoc = state.loc + action;
var stateNewLoc = extend(state, {loc: newLoc});
return advanceStateTime(stateNewLoc);
var world = { stateToActions, transition };
var startState = {
timeLeft: totalTime,
terminateAfterAction: false,
loc: 0
var utility = function(state, action){
var table = { 0: 1, 3: 3 };
return table[state.loc] ? table[state.loc] : 0;
return { world, startState, utility };
// Construct line MDP environment
var totalTime = 5;
var lineMDP = makeLineMDP(totalTime);
var world = lineMDP.world;
// The lineMDP object also includes a utility function and startState
var utility = lineMDP.utility;
var startState = lineMDP.startState;
// Construct MDP agent
var params = { alpha: 1000, utility };
var agent = makeMDPAgent(params, world);
// Simulate the agent on the lineMDP with *outputType* set to *states*
var trajectory = simulateMDP(startState, world, agent, 'states');
// Display start state
We described the agent above as “optimal” because it does not hyperbolically discount and it is not myopic. However, we can adjust its “soft-max” noise by modifying the parameter alpha
and induce sub-optimal behavior. Moreover, we can change the agent’s behavior on this MDP by over-writing the utility method in params
To construct a time-inconsistent, hyperbolically-discounting MDP agent, we include additional attributes in the params
{ discount:<discount_parameter>, sophisticatedOrNaive: <boolean> }
These attributes are explained in the chapter on hyperbolic discounting. The discounting agent stays at the origin because it isn’t willing to “delay gratification” in order to get a larger total reward at location 3.
///fold: helper function that decrements time and triggers termination when time elapsed
var advanceStateTime = function(state) {
var newTimeLeft = state.timeLeft - 1;
return extend(state, {
timeLeft: newTimeLeft,
terminateAfterAction: newTimeLeft > 1 ? state.terminateAfterAction : true
// constructuor for the "line" MDP environment:
// argument *totalTime* is the time horizon
var makeLineMDP = function(totalTime) {
var stateToActions = function(state) {
return [-1, 0, 1];
var transition = function(state, action) {
var newLoc = state.loc + action;
var stateNewLoc = extend(state, {loc: newLoc});
return advanceStateTime(stateNewLoc);
var world = { stateToActions, transition };
var startState = {
timeLeft: totalTime,
terminateAfterAction: false,
loc: 0
var utility = function(state, action){
var table = { 0: 1, 3: 3 };
return table[state.loc] ? table[state.loc] : 0;
return { world, startState, utility };
// Construct line MDP environment
var totalTime = 5;
var lineMDP = makeLineMDP(totalTime);
var world = lineMDP.world;
// The lineMDP object also includes a utility function and startState
var utility = lineMDP.utility;
var startState = lineMDP.startState;
// Construct hyperbolic agent
var params = {
alpha: 1000,
discount: 2,
sophisticatedOrNaive: 'naive'
var agent = makeMDPAgent(params, world);
var trajectory = simulateMDP(startState, world, agent, 'states');
We’ve shown how to create your own MDP and then run different agents on that MDP. You can also create your own MDP agent, as we illustrate below.
Exercise: Try some variations of the Line MDP by modifying the
method in themakeLineMDP
constructor above. For example, change the underlying graph structure from a line into a loop.
Creating Gridworld MDPs
Gridworld is a standard toy environment for reinforcement learning problems. The library contains a constructor for making a gridworld with your choice of dimensions and reward function. There is also a function for displaying gridworlds in the browser.
We begin by creating a simple gridworld environment (using makeGridWorldMDP
) and display it using viz.gridworld
// Create a constructor for our gridworld
var makeSimpleGridWorld = function() {
// '#' indicates a wall, and ' ' indicates a normal cell
var ___ = ' ';
var grid = [
[___, ___, ___],
['#', '#', ___],
['#', '#', ___],
[___, ___, ___]
return makeGridWorldMDP({ grid, transitionNoiseProbability: 0 })
var simpleGridWorld = makeSimpleGridWorld();
var world = simpleGridWorld.world;
var startState = {
loc: [0, 0],
timeLeft: 10,
terminateAfterAction: false
viz.gridworld(world, {trajectory: [startState]});
Gridworld states have a loc
attribute for the agent’s location (using discrete Cartesian coordinates). The agent is able to move up, down, left and right but is not able to stay put.
Having created a gridworld, we construct a utility function (where utility depends only on the agent’s grid location) and simulate an optimal MDP agent.
///fold: Create a constructor for our gridworld
var makeSimpleGridWorld = function() {
// '#' indicates a wall, and ' ' indicates a normal cell
var ___ = ' ';
var grid = [
[___, ___, ___],
['#', '#', ___],
['#', '#', ___],
[___, ___, ___]
return makeGridWorldMDP({ grid, transitionNoiseProbability: 0 })
var simpleGridWorld = makeSimpleGridWorld();
var world = simpleGridWorld.world;
var startState = {
loc: [0,0],
timeLeft: 10,
terminateAfterAction: false
// `isEqual` is in *underscore* (included in webppl-agents)
var utility = function(state, action) {
return _.isEqual(state.loc, [0, 3]) ? 1 : 0;
var params = { utility, alpha: 1000 };
var agent = makeMDPAgent(params, world);
var trajectory = simulateMDP(startState, world, agent);
viz.gridworld(world, {trajectory: trajectory});
You can create terminal gridworld states by using features with a name. These named-features can also be used to create a utility function without specifying grid coordinates.
var makeSimpleGridWorld = function() {
// '#' indicates a wall, and ' ' indicates a normal cell
var ___ = ' ';
// named features are terminal
var G = { name: 'gold' };
var S = { name: 'silver' };
var grid = [
[ G , ___, ___],
[ S , ___, ___],
['#', '#', ___],
['#', '#', ___],
[___, ___, ___]
return makeGridWorldMDP({ grid, transitionNoiseProbability: 0 })
var simpleGridWorld = makeSimpleGridWorld();
var world = simpleGridWorld.world;
var startState = {
loc: [0, 0],
timeLeft: 10,
terminateAfterAction: false
// The *makeUtilityFunction* method allows you to define
// a utility function in terms of named features
var makeUtilityFunction = simpleGridWorld.makeUtilityFunction;
var table = {
gold: 2,
silver: 1.8,
timeCost: -0.5
var utility = makeUtilityFunction(table);
var params = { utility, alpha: 1000 };
var agent = makeMDPAgent(params, world);
var trajectory = simulateMDP(startState, world, agent);
viz.gridworld(world, { trajectory });
There are many examples using gridworld in agentmodels.org, starting from this chapter.
Creating your own agents
As well as creating your own environments, it is straightfoward to create your own agents for MDPs and POMDPs. Much of agentmodels.org is a tutorial on creating agents (e.g. optimal agents, myopic agents, etc.). Rather than recapitulate agentmodels.org, this section is brief and focuses on the basic interface that agents need to present.
We begin by creating an agent that chooses actions uniformly at random. To run on agent on an environment using the simulateMDP
function, an agent object must have an act
method and a params
attribute. The act
method is a function from states to a distribution on the available actions. The params
attribute indicates whether or not the agent is an MDP or POMDP agent.
We use the simple gridworld environment from the codebox above.
///fold: Build gridworld environment
var makeSimpleGridWorld = function() {
// '#' indicates a wall, and ' ' indicates a normal cell
var ___ = ' ';
// named features are terminal
var G = { name: 'gold' };
var S = { name: 'silver' };
var grid = [
[ G , ___, ___],
[ S , ___, ___],
['#', '#', ___],
['#', '#', ___],
[___, ___, ___]
return makeGridWorldMDP({ grid, transitionNoiseProbability: 0 })
var simpleGridWorld = makeSimpleGridWorld();
var world = simpleGridWorld.world;
var startState = {
loc: [0, 0],
timeLeft: 10,
terminateAfterAction: false
// The *makeUtilityFunction* method allows you to define
// a utility function in terms of named features
var makeUtilityFunction = simpleGridWorld.makeUtilityFunction;
var table = {
gold: 2,
silver: 1.8,
timeCost: -0.5
var utility = makeUtilityFunction(table);
var actions = ['u', 'd', 'l', 'r'];
var act = function(state){
return Infer({ model(){ return uniformDraw(actions); }});
var randomAgent = { act, params: {} };
var trajectory = simulateMDP(startState, world, randomAgent);
viz.gridworld(world, { trajectory });
In gridworld the same actions are available in each state. When the actions available depend on the state, the agent’s act
function needs access to the environment’s stateToActions
///fold: Create a constructor for our gridworld
var makeSimpleGridWorld = function() {
// '#' indicates a wall, and ' ' indicates a normal cell
var ___ = ' ';
// named features are terminal
var G = { name: 'gold' };
var S = { name: 'silver' };
var grid = [
[ G , ___, ___],
[ S , ___, ___],
['#', '#', ___],
['#', '#', ___],
[___, ___, ___]
return makeGridWorldMDP({ grid, transitionNoiseProbability: 0 })
var simpleGridWorld = makeSimpleGridWorld();
var world = simpleGridWorld.world;
var startState = {
loc: [0, 0],
timeLeft: 10,
terminateAfterAction: false
// The *makeUtilityFunction* method allows you to define
// a utility function in terms of named features
var makeUtilityFunction = simpleGridWorld.makeUtilityFunction;
var table = {
gold: 2,
silver: 1.8,
timeCost: -0.5
var utility = makeUtilityFunction(table);
var makeRandomAgent = function(world) {
var stateToActions = world.stateToActions;
var act = function(state) {
return Infer({ model() {
return uniformDraw(stateToActions(state));
return { act, params: {} };
var randomAgent = makeRandomAgent(world);
var trajectory = simulateMDP(startState, world, randomAgent);
viz.gridworld(world, { trajectory });
In the example above, the agent constructor makeRandomAgent
takes the environment (world
) as an argument in order to access stateToActions
. Agent constructors will typically also use the environment’s transition
method to internally simulate state transitions.
Exercise: Implement an agent who takes the action with highest expected utility under the random policy. (You can do this by making use of the codebox above. Use the
function within a new agent constructor.)
In addition to writing agents from scratch, you can build on the agents available in the library.
Exercise: Start with the optimal MDP agent found here. Create a variant of this optimal agent that takes “epsilon-greedy” random actions instead of softmax random actions.
Creating POMDPs
POMDPs are introduced in agentmodels.org in this chapter. This section explains how to create your own POMDPs for use in the library.
As we explained above, MDPs in webppl-agents are objects with a transition
method and a stateToActions
method. POMDPs also have a transition
method. Instead of stateToActions
, they have a beliefToActions
method, which maps a belief distribution over states to a set of available actions. POMDPs also have an observe
method, which maps states to observations (typically represented as strings).
Here is a simple POMDP based on the “Line MDP” example above. The agent moves along the integer line as before. This time the agent is uncertain whether or not there is high reward at location 3. The agent can only find out by moving to location 3 and receiving an observation.
// States have the same structure as in MDPs:
// the transition method needs to decrement
// the state's *timeLeft* attribute until termination
var advanceStateTime = function(state) {
var newTimeLeft = state.timeLeft - 1;
return extend(state, {
timeLeft: newTimeLeft,
terminateAfterAction: newTimeLeft > 1 ? state.terminateAfterAction : true
var makeLinePOMDP = function() {
var beliefToActions = function(belief){
return [-1, 0, 1];
var transition = function(state, action) {
var newLoc = state.loc + action;
var stateNewLoc = extend(state, {loc: newLoc});
return advanceStateTime(stateNewLoc);
var observe = function(state) {
if (state.loc == 3) {
return state.treasureAt3 ? 'treasure' : 'no treasure';
return 'noObservation';
return { beliefToActions, transition, observe };
To simulate an agent on this POMDP, we need to create a “POMDP” agent. POMDP agents have an act
method which maps beliefs (rather than states) to distributions on actions. They also have an updateBelief
method, mapping beliefs and observations to an updated belief.
This example uses the optimal POMDP agent. To construct a POMDP agent, we need to specify the agent’s starting belief distribution on states. Here we assume the agent has a uniform distribution on whether or not there is “treasure” at location 3.
var advanceStateTime = function(state) {
var newTimeLeft = state.timeLeft - 1;
return extend(state, {
timeLeft: newTimeLeft,
terminateAfterAction: newTimeLeft > 1 ? state.terminateAfterAction : true
var makeLinePOMDP = function() {
var beliefToActions = function(belief){
return [-1, 0, 1];
var transition = function(state, action) {
var newLoc = state.loc + action;
var stateNewLoc = extend(state, {loc: newLoc});
return advanceStateTime(stateNewLoc);
var observe = function(state) {
if (state.loc == 3) {
return state.treasureAt3 ? 'treasure' : 'no treasure';
return 'noObservation';
return { beliefToActions, transition, observe };
var utility = function(state, action) {
if (state.loc==3 && state.treasureAt3){ return 5; }
if (state.loc==0){ return 1; }
return 0;
var trueStartState = {
timeLeft: 7,
terminateAfterAction: false,
loc: 0,
treasureAt3: false
var alternativeStartState = extend(trueStartState, {treasureAt3: true});
var possibleStates = [trueStartState, alternativeStartState];
var priorBelief = Categorical({
vs: possibleStates,
ps: [.5, .5]
var params = {
alpha: 1000,
optimal: true
var world = makeLinePOMDP();
var agent = makePOMDPAgent(params, world);
var trajectory = simulatePOMDP(trueStartState, world, agent, 'states');
In POMDPs the agent does not directly observe their current state. However, in the Line POMDP (above) the “location” part of the agent’s state is always known by the agent. The part of the state that is unknown is whether treasureAt3
is true. So we could factor the state into attributes that are always known (“manifest”) and parts that are not (“latent”). This factoring of the state can speed up the POMDP agent’s belief-updating and is used for the POMDP environments in the library. The following codebox shows a factored version of the Line POMDP:
var advanceStateTime = function(state) {
var newTimeLeft = state.timeLeft - 1;
return extend(state, {
timeLeft: newTimeLeft,
terminateAfterAction: newTimeLeft > 1 ? state.terminateAfterAction : true
var makeLinePOMDP = function() {
var manifestStateToActions = function(manifestState){
return [-1, 0, 1];
var transition = function(state, action) {
var newLoc = state.manifestState.loc + action;
var manifestStateNewLoc = extend(state.manifestState,{loc: newLoc});
var newManifestState = advanceStateTime(manifestStateNewLoc);
return {
manifestState: newManifestState,
latentState: state.latentState
var observe = function(state) {
if (state.manifestState.loc == 3){
return state.latentState.treasureAt3 ? 'treasure' : 'no treasure';
return 'noObservation';
return { manifestStateToActions, transition, observe};
var utility = function(state, action) {
if (state.manifestState.loc==3 && state.latentState.treasureAt3){ return 5; }
if (state.manifestState.loc==0){ return 1; }
return 0;
var trueStartState = {
manifestState: {
timeLeft: 7,
terminateAfterAction: false,
loc: 0
latentState: {
treasureAt3: false
var alternativeStartState = extend(trueStartState, {
latentState: { treasureAt3: true }
var possibleStates = [trueStartState, alternativeStartState];
var priorBelief = Categorical({
vs: possibleStates,
ps: [.5, .5]
var params = {
alpha: 1000,
optimal: true
var world = makeLinePOMDP();
var agent = makePOMDPAgent(params, world);
var trajectory = simulatePOMDP(trueStartState, world, agent, 'states');
This separation of POMDPs and MDPs is not necessary from a theoretical perspective, since POMDPs generalize MDPs. However, the separation is convenient in practice; it allows the MDP code to be short and perspicuous and it provides performance advantages. ↩